Don’t Underestimate Mobile Search

In the third quarter of 2013 the total of Google, Yahoo and Bing searches undertaken by consumers using mobile phones and tablets breached the 25% ceiling of all searches this; figure is predicted to continue to grow throughout 2014.

With more than a quarter of all online searches conducted on a mobile device this is a significant marketing platform that if ignored SME’s do so at their own peril.

Online Consumer Behaviour
Consumer habits are changing and mobility is the driving factor. The Smartphone, G3 & G4 networks and cheaper bandwidth contracts have given consumers absolute freedom the, ability to access the internet, query services & products and make purchasing decisions while not sitting at home in front of a computer in their living. Waiting at the bus stop during the morning rush hour, on the train travelling to work and during the lunch break are peak times when potential consumers use their mobile devices to conduct mobile search.

Exploiting The Growing Trend of Mobile Search
Five tips to help businesses ensure that they benefit from the increase in mobile search

1. Make sure that your website displays and operates properly on the main Smartphone and tablet devices which are powered by Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.
2. Consider building a shrunk down version of your website which will automatically display to mobile device visitors or build a responsive html 5 website that can display correctly on all screen sizes across all platforms.
3. Paid ads; when building pay per click ads create separate campaigns that are optimised for mobile phone and tablet users.
Google Enhanced Campaigns
Yahoo and Bing Ads for Mobile Devices
4. Develop SEO strategies that create and optimise specific web content for consumers searching on mobile devices.
5. Understand the behaviour of your target customer. Don’t bog your web content down with excessive marketing blurb because the mobile search visitor has less screen space to scan your web page without scrolling which makes their attention span even shorter.


About The Author:
Charles Brown is Director of Online Acquisition at Gtec Media Ltd